Below we have the austere
and brilliant dialogue between Freeman
and Stapp. The former claims to be a physicalist, the latter a dualist.. I
contend both are dualists
I refer the reader
to the “Chinese room” debate. Searle insisted that his computationalist
opponents had a disincarnated notion of running a program that made them
ultimately functional dualist. IMO Walter has fallen into the same trap.
In his case, it is
more subtle; what he refuses do methodologically is consider how symbols might
work in the brain, and in this he follows his mentor Merleau-Ponty. Yet
throughout this dialogue Walter is present, a giant symbolic mind with a
passionate insistence on all phenomena fitting into third person science. In
this he resembles Pat Suppes of Stanford. Henry replies with an insistence on
the “ego” that betrays little understanding of cognitive psychology.
IMO, there is a
synthesis; insist on the salience of subjective terms that CAN be fit into
science. Minkowski’s frames, Von Neumann’s process 1 and others are such.
Insist also on an attenuated free will, and the possibility of a Noosphere. Forget about the nonsense of the “hard problem”;
subjectivity will be explored in its heights b spiritual trail-blazers and
artists, not scientists. That does not diminish science; rather it allots it a proper place in
Again, this is the
1. QM demonstrated
limits to “third person” descriptions and re-introduced the observer. It could
be argued that Galiliean relativity did something similar, expanded on later b
2. The Qm argument
has been over-extended to make every cognitive act seem one of “free will”
3. There is a
vocabulary for discussing symbolic products like those of science; that of cog
sci with recussion, grammars etc
4. Many “embodied”
theorists like Merleau-Ponty have ignored this vocabulary and thus limited
themselves to sensorimotor behaviour
5. What the Qm
argument shows if we take into account ALL human symbolic behaviour
Is that in the limit
there seems to be room for a limited free will
Sean O Nuallain
On Jul 31, 2014, at
3:03 PM, Henry Stapp wrote:
I continue, below,
Walter’s clarification of the mapping between my vN-based understanding of the
brain process associated with consciousness-collapse, and
“Physicalist” understanding of it.
I continue our dialogue.
Henry describes his "mentalist" (dualist)
understanding of the mind-brain relation based on von Neumann's
mathematics and contrasts it with his understanding of my
"physicalist" (monist) understanding based on my observations of
neural activity in humans and animals engaged in intentional behaviors. I
believe that we agree that we can focus our descriptions of
"matter-mind" on the process by which a stimulus is perceived. For
example, a chemical detracted in the nose is categorized as something to eat or
as something to run from. Through perception a choice is made on which action
to take.
Henry has stated (below): "In QM the dynamical rule that generates the evolution of the
possibilities/potentialities is the Schroedinger equation. The key issue
is how is one (or a subset of) individual attractor(s) picked out for possible
actualization. Walter says “selection by a stimulus.” Copenhagen says “free choice on the part of
the experimenter. “ It comes from something beyond the Schroedinger
Henry goes on to
invoke the Born rule: "In
QM this choice constitutes a choice of a “projection operator P. Once the
observer’s choice is made , then the probability for the answer to the question
“Will I experience the “Yes” response to the question represented by P?” is
given by the Born rule Prob = Trace P Rho P/Trace Rho). Of course, this way of
expressing the choice is designed to convert the description into a logical
question embedded in a mathematical formalism."
When stripped of any
reference to qualia and consciousness the issues before us, "mentalistic:
vs. "physicalistic" appear to me more appropriately
"mathematical" vs. "biological", including descriptions on
both sides of equations and data in the King's English.
By the phrase
"selection by a stimulus", I refer to the biological phenomenon of
"preafference" by which in anticipation of an act of observation the
brain sets up in each sensory cortex a memory of previous encounters of what to
expect, in the example something to eat, something to fear, and something
other. These predictions have the form of an attractor landscape with a basin
of attraction for each expected outcome, including an "I don't know but it
might be important" attractor. The size of the basin expresses a Bayesian
probability of expected occurrence. If an expected stimulus is inhaled to
the nose, it excites a few among equivalent receptors that send their pulses to
the bulb. If the pulses put the bulb in the appropriate basin of attraction,
they make the selection is by igniting a Hebbian assembly, which generalizes to
the category of the equivalent receptors. This is highly significant. It is the
first step from matter to mind. The chemical exists in the world and is quickly
expunged. The category exists only in the brain of the subject, and its only
role is to activate the memory of the stimulus, its category, what it means for
the subject, and what action to take by the subject. We know this, because the
subject responds appropriately within a fraction of a second, and we can follow
the reverberation of the underlying neural activity through its brain.
Henry's description
and mine are complementary, not in opposition. Their relevance to each other
stems from the invocation of QM for explanation. The generalization by the
Hebbian assembly is prelude to the activation of the appropriate memory, which
requires a phase transition of the bulbar neuropil by condensation from a
gas-like low energy state of expecting to a liquid-like high energy state of
perceiving. As Vitiello has repeatedly emphasized, the quantum change is in the
configuration of the microscopic electric dipoles of the neuropil, mostly
water, which comprise and embed the mesoscopic neurons and their organelles
including microtubules. The quantum change provides the energy and synchrony.
The neurons impose the structure of AM patterns that express the remembrance.
We propose that the d activity can be modeled in QFT as a Bose-Einstein
condensate using the Ginzberg-Landau equation for superconductivity, and the
Rankine thermodynamic engine in classical physics. If Henry can adapt the
Schroedinger equation and Born's rule to model the data, we will achieve
our goal. The relevance of QM to neurodynamics is to provide new concepts
from relevant theory in search of new data.
Concerning qualia
and awareness, Henry and his authorities following Descartes and von Neumann in
believe that they belong to a category of thought differing from matter,
consciousness. To paraphrase Laplace, I do not
feel the need for that hypothesis. I believe that a global state of oscillation
that synchronizes neural firing over a substantial area of cortex is
experienced immediately as t it occurs in the action-perception cycle. The
knowledge afforded is instantly mobilized in all sensory and motor systems. My
evidence is what I experience; I think, therefore I act. Also I infer it from
the survival value of having that knowledge, and the emotions I feel in
autonomic preparations for action, within the instant that is available for me
to decide to act, or not to act. Natural selection certainly favors the agile
over the sluggard.
Henry has taken note
of the similarity between "physicalist" and "mentalist" QM
in respect to the collapse of a probability distribution, and in respect to the
finding that the collapse is triggered by an act of observation that is
followed by a phase transition. I note two other similarities. First, our
evidence shows that neuropil is bistable; it transits at theta rates between
the low and high density phases with narrow band oscillation in the
latter. In each phase the dynamics has a small signal range of linearity and
stationarity, in which cortex stabilizes itself near criticality. Activity in
the low phase at rest is Gaussian; non-Gaussian structure emerges from the
noise in the high phase at work. These attributes simplify enormously the
modeling with K-sets of the multiple co-existing feedback loops among
excitatory and inhibitory populations. I understand that QM rests on comparable
Second, cortical
activity has two readily observable modes: the ionic currents of dendritic
integration that are observed in the scalar fields of EEG and evoked
potentials, and the clouds of pulses that transmit the integrand that are
recorded as point processes. Together with intracellular contributions they
constitute the vector field of neural activity. Each causes the other in
circular causality. The neurophysiologist decides which mode to observe and
designs experiments and interpretations according to that choice. It is
important for QM physicists to know this duality, because the prevailing neural
paradigm is almost exclusively focused on the pulse mode, and that gives a very
limited view of neurodynamics.
I think that these
similarities are not coincidental. The brain is equipped with a tool for
exploring the world, which is the action-perception cycle. QM is similarly a
tool created by human brains for exploring the infinite world of extreme
complexities of interacting particles of unlimited diversity. The similarities
should come as no surprise, as witness the MIT graduate student prayer:
“Please, God, make the world linear, time-invariant and Gaussian.” We make our
observations by batch processing, with clean up and categorization after each
shot. The finding of a comparable wave-pulse duality gives us something really
interesting and fundamental to think about. I think the duality is a property
of our organ of the episteme. Witness the futility of attempts to compute over
the real numbers. I think that we can best progress in our discoveries if we
accept both the analog and the digital, the continuum and the staccato, the ODE
and the random graph, and fit them together with logic and intuition. That is
who and what we are: finite beings facing infinite complexity. In other words,
in addition to applying QM to brain function, we should apply brain function to
understand QM. The EEG data amassed by my students, colleagues and me at
unprecedentedly high spatial and spectral resolution establish a new paradigm
by which to proceed.
From: Walter J Freeman []
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2014 9:55 PM
To: Henry Stapp
Cc: Stanley Klein; Kathryn Blackmond Laskey; Karla Galdamez; Giuseppe Vitiello; Sue Pockett
Subject: Re: [MoM] Re: a clarification of the two postings: Stapp-Freeman convergence
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2014 9:55 PM
To: Henry Stapp
Cc: Stanley Klein; Kathryn Blackmond Laskey; Karla Galdamez; Giuseppe Vitiello; Sue Pockett
Subject: Re: [MoM] Re: a clarification of the two postings: Stapp-Freeman convergence
Dear Henry,
I interweave my reply
On Jul 25, 2014, at
4:48 PM, Henry Stapp wrote:
Dear Walter,
In response to your
letter below I say:
In vN-QM (and also
its Tomona-Schwinger extension to relativistic QFT) a
physical system (say a subsystem of the physically described brain) is
often represented by a “state” rho that can be characterized as a “quantum
statistic mixture”.
Typically it is
spread out over a large spatial region in some sense.
Then, in association
with a conscious experience, this state rho is replaced by a
new, “reduced” state
is low-energy a state of expectancy in Step 1 of Stage 3 when the brain holds a
landscape of attractors representing predicted possible outcomes of an act of
observation. Rho`
is the selection by a stimulus of one outcome, hence the “reduction” on the
phase transition to a high-energy state in Step 2. I see that global vigorous
firing as a necessary condition for C, so I think we agree so far.
[HPS: OK! This is
already a key point, so let me spell it out in more detail. The vN approach
moves the cut “all the way up” so the mind-matter issue becomes a mind-brain
issue: the “collapses” are associated with brain actions. The “state” of a
pertinent part of the brain representing a set of possible actions is given in QM by a density
matrix rho. Each possibility is a “template for a possible action”. But in W’s
physicalist version each is an “attractor”. In both theories the “state” is
essentially a set of alternative non- interfering possible brain-directed
physical actions. In QM the dynamical rule that generates the evolution of the
possibilities/potentialities is the Schroedinger equation. The key issue
is how is one (or a subset of) individual attractor(s) picked out for possible
actualization. Walter says “selection by a stimulus.” Copenhagen says
“free choice on the part of the experimenter. “ It comes from something beyond
the Schroedinger equation. Going into it a little more detail, in the
quantum case this first choice could be a choice of a particular finite interval
along a dial in which the center point of a visible “pointer” might lie. The
interval has two end points. So this “choice on the part of the observing
agent” involves choices of two point from a continuum of points. This choice
has zero probability to occur. In QM this choice constitutes a choice of a
“projection operator P. Once the observer’s choice is made , then the
probability for the answer to the question “Will I experience the “Yes”
response to the question represented by P?” is given by the Born rule Prob =
Trace P Rho P/Trace Rho). Of course, this way of expressing the choice is
designed to convert the description into a logical question embedded in a
mathematical formalism. But what is going on psychologically is a remembrance
of a certain past experience (or more accurately a chosen blend of several past
experiences) that the person wants/intends to re-experience in the new context.
This desired experience should be generated in association with certain
motor action, and the person’s choice triggers the brain into constructing the
template for action that, if actualized, should produce in the new context the
chosen blend of the prior feed-backs. The Born rule is then implemented by the
“random” choice of the part of nature, which actualizes the brain state that
will in the “Yes” case have the brain-constructed template for action.
This account gives, however, only the general logical form without
specifying how it is implemented in the brain, and it brings in a choice in the
part of the observer that is tied to a mental realm assumed to exist in that
dualistic vN account, whereas Walter is offering a description of how this is
done purely physically by the brain alone! The above vN-based account is an
elaboration of what I said earlier, below ]
A key feature of the
QM dynamics is that the choice of what this new reduced state rho’ will
be, is determined by two choices, the first being a personal choice
depending on what the person/organism has learned through its life experience,
and which is represented by aspects of reality lying outside the system represented
by rho, followed by a random choice depending on both that personal choice and
a random element of chance.
I would say that the
several areas of cortex sustain knowledge of the world and the self in the form
of instructions on how to create a remembrance from memory in the phase
transition in Step 2. I have no need for the term “represent” and note the
ambiguity of your usage, such that I don’t know what you mean. I would say that
the construction is making order out of chaos, which for me has more meaning
than “a random element of chance” like a throw of dice.
[HPS: The process of
“creating order from chaos” ought, in a physicalist interpretation, to be
spelled out as a physically described process. You say that the brain initially
has many possible attractors, and then, suddenly, there is only one, with
much higher energy density. That is your way of getting the collapse. And since
each attractor is associated with its own blend of remembrances the there will
be a different feedback associated with each different attractor, only one of
which gets actualized. Attractors normally are found in a representation of a
complex dynamical situation in which a point representing a subsystem moves in
a multi-dimensional space that is not uniform, but has a structure created by
other parts of the full physical system, and that cause the point to move in a
non-simple way, such that the point sometimes spends a long time near a point
called an attractor. So one way to single out one attractor over others, for a
while, is by the moving point representing the subsystem to hover about an
attractor. But there is also a possibility that the properties of the space in
which the point moves can change so that the set of attractors change. So in a
proper physicalist description the phrase “creating order from chaos” needs to
be spelled out in physical (non-mentalistic) terms.]
In the
ontological version of vN-QM one contemplates the physically described state of
the entire universe, and asserts that the personal choice is not determined by
it, but rather by the person’s mental aspect, his “ego”. This is a mentalistic
If the mental and the
physical are “aspects” of an inseparable entity, we agree. If the aspects are
conceived as separable, then the problem arise of how each “causes” the
other. It appears in what follows below that you separate them. Hence we
[HPS: The
universally recognized problem is that science must tie the physically described
aspects into human experience, which involves properties such as “red”, “sour”,
“feeling of intention”, etc. that are described in a different language: the
language of psychology. Abner Shimony, in his contribution to Penrose’s
“The large and the Small…” emphasizes that in situations in which we can
rationally justify claiming that two seemingly very different description are
different descriptions of the same thing there are two different causal routes
connecting the single realty into a single realm of experience. One needs to
rationally justify an assertion of identify not merely cite analogies, which
are notoriously inexact. ]
But there is an
alternative possible QM: a physicalistic QM. In this version the personal
choice is determined by features of reality that lie outside rho, but inside the
full brain of the person, which carries remembrances of
past experiences that have not been totally forgotten, but which have been
retained in the brain structure created by the Hebbian process of neurons that fire
together wire together. This physicalist QM seems quite
reasonable, and is I believe the version of QM that you are using. So the
similarity and difference in our approaches are easy to see: I, following vN
and the founders, am using mentalistic QM whereas you are using physicalistic
QM. That is what I gleaned from your Vision talk, and tried to convey to
the audience.
[HPS: Thus there
seems to be a close similarity are the practical level, which ought to be
useful to neuroscientists trying to better understand how the unified
motor-based characteristics of our thoughts are two-way linked to physical
processes in our brains]
I am not yet using
QM, but with Giuseppe Vitiello am advocating exploration of the descriptions of
brain dynamics in terms of QFT, which he distinguishes from QM. We both appeal
to experimental data, I to brain waves, you to the Quantum Zeno Effect. Let’s
see what Giuseppe has to say about this difference.
[HPS: The quantum
Zeno effect that I use is a mathematical property of quantum theory embedded in
the basic mathematic, independently of any empirical data. It was described and
tied to Zeno by Misra and Sudarshan.]
Within this way of
understanding your work, and in order to allow me to better understand the
details, let me ask whether the ‘sparse coding’ aspect is tied to the
“cones”, which I am interpreting as a broadcast of information, much like a
radio broadcast, from a site at which information is assembled to
receivers located throughout the brain. Is it like AM, or like FM?
The “sparse
coding” is in expectant state with broad spectrum oscillations and abortive
phase cones appearing as mini-avalanches characteristic of critical states. It
is not a transmission of information in itself but is the spread by anomalous
dispersion of the phase of the neuropil, in this instance condensation from a
gas-like phase to a liquid-like phase.
[HPS: This change
starts at the vertex of a cone and spreads out. Is this vertex a “cortical
column”? Does “sparse” refer to the highly non-dense distribution of possible
sites of the vertices of such cones? What does “sparse” mean in this context?
What physical process picks out this particular site for the origin of the
sudden change. I am interested in your answer to this question because it seems
to be the question that vN answers by referring to experiential qualities, not
merely physical properties. It is the key question of how does a particular
physical get selected from the many. I am not suggesting that no such
physical process could exist, but am only asking whether you have a suggestion
for what that physical selection process is, and how it fulfills some
desiderata. I agree that a switch to a purely physicalistic account would be
highly worth pursuing.]
How is the
information encoded in the wave? And what are these inverse waves, which,
as I understand you, are supposed to look like information being sucked
into preselected sites.
The wave packet is
composed of a vector field expressed in dendritic current (not the scalar EEG
field, which is epiphenomenal) and a cloud of pulses like a swarm of insects,
each determining the other in circular causality. The completed remembrance
from memory is carried in the coexisting amplitude patterns of waves and the
local densities of pulses. Hence the “code” is AM of gamma and beta waves in
frame rates at the flickering speeds of thoughts.
[HPS: I remain
puzzled by the “inverse” events which if I understand you correctly is an
inverse of spreading out from a vertex of a cone in 4D space-time, but is
rather a change of state that occurs over a shrinking 4D cone to a vertex
located at a final time rather than expanding from some vertex located at an
initial time. If such things really exist, empirically, and are as common as
the other, then understanding these seemingly anti-causal things must become a
top priority for any theory that claims to be rationally coherent.]
In any case, the
sudden collapse into new states that your data reveal seems similar to the
quantum collapses. But any illumination you can supply on the
similarities and differences would be very helpful. I think there is some
yet-to-be-identified major missing piece in my understanding of the physical
process behind your data.
I think your missing
piece is the macroscopic wave packet (I borrowed this term from QM and gave it
a neurobiological meaning. It expresses remembrances, not representations.
[HPS: I am very
comfortable with the idea that the macroscopic wave packet expresses
remembrances. And what we remember include colors and tastes and the odors
associated with appearances of skunks, and our intentions. The question is how
are you proposing to reduce these remembrances to purely physical
concepts . I am trying to, with your help, become better informed about that.]
Best, Walter
So we seen to agree on the functional aspects, but you explain (or seek/claim
to explain) the functionality in terms of (classical) physically described
brain processes, whereas ‘standard QM’, which speaks of “observers” who probe
nature in ways that they “freely choose” ( ways that are not fully fixed by the physically
described aspects of reality, and are not “random”, but are based on
I agree. The observer as neurobiologist chooses what aspect to observe. The
observed scalar fields of electric potential in cortex show the simultaneous
coexistence of neural activity in two modes: fields of dendritic potentials
from synaptic currents and clouds of axonal action potentials. Each modulates
the other in circular causality. Which we observe depends on what spatial
location, temporal segmentation, and spatial filter we choose to decompose it.
In principle this choice is based on the human-values we attach to the action
potential vs. the synaptic potential. The prevailing model is the neural
network. The alternative model espoused by my colleagues and me is the
population. The activity is what it is. Our interpretation of what and how
cortex is doing is determined by our choice of methods of action. In principle
this prior choice characterizes the wave-particle duality in QM. My
understanding is that Schrödinger used his cat to lampoon the inference that
the reality hinges on the observer, not the cat. Am I misinformed?
Of course, an adequate theory that does not bring in an unnecessary extra realm
is superior to one that can rationally do without it. So let me inquire a bit
about your theory.
stress that the abrupt change that we are talking about is not primarily about
a transfer of information, but more like a change of state.
So I
am likening it to the formation of the ice on the surface of a pond. The water
is at a subfreezing temperature, but it is still water, not ice.
say at a single point, but perhaps a sparse set of isolated points the
transition to ice begins, and it spreads rapidly over the whole pond.
WJF: I use the
analogy of a gas-to-liquid transition, as in formation of a raindrop from a
site of nucleation like a grain of dust, from which there is radial expansion.
Therefore I expected to see explosion, i.e., negative spatial phase gradients
in radians/meters. The ratio of spatial gradient to temporal frequency in
radians/second determined the phase velocity in radians/second. The ratio was a
constant equal to the conduction velocity of intracortical axons. What I found
was about half of the gradients were implosive, positive. Your analogy of
evaporation of the raindrop is apt, but not explicable in terms of
neurophysiology.. I rest my case that the finding should be explored by
physicists using QFT. Vitiello has shown that this phenomenon is compatible
with QM, using the Ginzberg-Landau equation to describe the change of state.
Perhaps you can use the Schrödinger equation to describe it.
Now we normally do not think that the pond feels itself turning to ice, or that
a water droplet consciously feels itself changing from gas to liquid. But, of
course, no one can know what a pond or a water droplet is feeling, and a brain
is far more complex than either a drop or a pond of water. So the empirical
evidence is not compelling.
There is no basis for the introduction here of qualia. The phase cone is not a
NCC and does not address consciousness. I am describing the physics of how a
condensate forms, not what the NCC of the following wave packet might be, or
how to “attach” it to neurons.
But if “physical” means described in terms of the concepts of Classical (Newtonian-type)
physics, then there is a causal gap, because those concepts were designed to
not entail conscious feelings; the moving particles of Democritus do not
logically or rationally entail our streams of conscious experiences, filled as
they are with odors, colors, and mental intentions. One can try to assert that
the NCC’s are identical to the feelings. One can assert that the motions of the
particles ARE the conscious feelings, but the analogies advanced to defend that
opinion are very far from obvious, and have been attacked by very intelligent
philosophers. It does not suffice to simply doggedly assert that there is no
hard problem: the motions of the Newtonian particles are just too obviously
different from our feeling for the two to be allowed be identified without a
strong defense. The attempt to eliminate the mental realm must be reconciled
with the fact that the empirical evidence upon which science is based lies in
the mental realm. So the issue here is not some abstruse academic point but the
heart of the problem.
That is the philosophers’ problem, but it is not the problem I have come to you
for. As you say, “That issue has been endlessly debated,“ and with no
resolution in sight. Instead, I ask you to apply your knowledge of QM to
my new data, and tell me, are they consistent with QM?
But the *startling new evidence*
is what I understood (perhaps very incorrectly) from your words to be cases in
which the change of state starts out at the rim and advances inward to a final
point. Is that correct? And is this change like freezing or a melting? Is
that what these inward directed changes are: like the melting of an ice cube,
or the evaporation of a water droplet inward from the outside?
Yes, except that the raindrop hasn’t formed yet, and when it forms it starts
from the outside in. For the raindrop, that is nonsense. For cortex it simply
reflects the fact that the attractor pre-exists its access and realization, so
either way will suffice. What is important is the finite velocity of the
cortical phase transition. I think it manifests something like a saddle node
bifurcation in which the direction of convergence to the attractor is a matter
of chance, which you introduce as a crucial ingredient of choice. This is my
intuition as a neurobiologist; you are the mathematician.
Of course, even if one does need to bring in our minds, simply because they are
the foundation of science, your understanding of the brain dynamics could
constitute a giant step foreword the quantum mechanical understanding of the
mind-brain connection.
I agree, because the ‘paradoxes’ of QM reflect more the properties of the human
brain than the properties of the universe, so let’s get on with the science and
leave this “hard problem” to those who created it. Please attend to my neural
versions of the wave-pulse duality. For single neurons it is trivial; for
populations it is profound, but it is comprehensible, not a mystery or a
cordially, Walter
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