Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fom position statement; agenda for next meeting Sept 12 2pm

Fom position statement and the future…….

We now have a large body of work – two proceedings volumes, a seminar series. It is time to take stock;

  1. We do not think the case for physicalism is proven
  2. Conversely, the structure of law  in our society seems to assume free will; the structure of math seems to assume Platonism;
  3. While science can assert the existence of subjectivity as ontologically real, the details of its characterization fall to artists and spiritual leaders
  4. Having established dualism, Platonism and free will as working hypotheses, we find a link with mainstream cognitive science by constraining quantum observation to Turing machine-equivalent systems working  in an intentional mode
  5. We are now branching out to issues like technology in society, eg

The talks on Sept 12 will be more informal. Confirmed so far are

  1. Adam Krause (Cal) on sleep
  2. Wolfgang Baer (Nascent systems) on consciousness as a force
  3. Anthony di Franco (Yale) on computer programming using informational constraints and the relevance to language
  4. Sean O Nuallain will talk about his new monograph  which is outlined here at
  5. Richard Hiersch will perform the song  “Nature boy” with Melanie O’Reilly and pleas note what its history tells us about the subjective states it specifies;

The talks will be outdoors in a garden with limes, apples, and grapes and you are welcome to all of them. Please bring a potluck and a bottle………..

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